It’s never been more important than it is right now, to work with a knowledgable and professional cleaning service.
If you are wanting the peace of mind that your workspace is as clean and sanitised as possible, we are the right people for you!
Our 21-step process eliminates the spread of Coronavirus at the source, ensuring you can reopen your business safely. We’re across all guidelines set out by the Australian Government Department of Health and also WorkSafe Tasmania.
We have multiple tools in our arsenal to tackle your coronavirus troubles or any other sanitation issues on your premises.
For quality assurance and total peace of mind, you'll receive an Official Department of Health and Human Services Covid-19 Deep Cleaning Certificate of Completion, alongside; safe work method statement, working procedures, risk assessment forms, attendance records, covid safe plans, safety data sheets, and before & after photos.
All Advanced Restoration cleaning staff have been trained to effectively use cleaning and disinfecting products, cleaning equipment, and adequate personal protective equipment during deep cleaning procedures.
All surfaces are cleaned with a high-grade detergent before being followed up by a hospital-grade disinfectant. This procedure applies to all common touchpoint areas like doors, door handles, push plates, lift buttons, light switches and so on.
For all other items and equipment, we use a high-grade disinfectant, thoroughly cleaning all surfaces regardless of whether they are common touch points.
To kill bacteria that cause coronavirus (COVID-19), there should be extensive, deep clean via disinfection. Deep cleaning also reduces soil load, which allows the disinfectant to work fast and effectively.
Environmental cleaning and disinfection are crucial to preventing the transmission of infection in the workplace environment. Coronaviruses can persist on surfaces but can be effectively inactivated by appropriate cleaning and disinfection.
Whether your business is a healthcare provider or not, we follow DHHS environmental cleaning standards and promote routine cleaning of frequently touched surfaces.
We provide professional cleaning services across a range of industries and can fulfil your business needs beyond COVID-19.
We’re a team of experts in carpet cleaning, mould remediation, flood restoration among many other services. Our friendly team are waiting to assist you with any questions you may have!
Call us at 1300 987 196 and we’ll walk you through areas of concern and potential touchpoints. We'll work with you to complete a Workplace Risk Assessment, as per Australian Government Department of Health Guidelines. If you haven't already, no need to worry. A member of our friendly team can help you with any specific queries so you can get your deep clean underway.
Our team will arrive, donning full PPE prior to entering the building. We will dispose of all remaining waste.
This is followed by a pre-clean of all surfaces using a high-grade disinfectant.
This disinfection process is the first step in stopping the spread of COVID-19 and any other viral matter.
The pre-clean is then followed by a hospital-grade disinfectant. We clean all windows, doors, walls, and vents. Computers, picture frames, phones, desks, and any other office equipment is thoroughly disinfected.
We then vacuum all floors and allow the area to air dry.
We finalize the deep clean with a round of decontamination. We disinfect all office equipment, all common areas, and touchpoints mentioned in your assessment.
Furniture like filing cabinets, cupboards, and other potential touchpoints are also decontaminated.
Our staff will provide you with all the appropriate documentation within 24 hours of your clean being completed.